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The Glory You Deserve | CTDP 364

Drewbie Wilson • Dec 20, 2021

It’s easy to look at the success that we see others having and wonder when our ship will come in. You might ask questions like: “Why did they get it before me?” How long have you been waiting for that same opportunity, only to see it go on to someone else? 

On this episode of “Crushing The Day,” Drewbie shares that if: “You don’t have the time to accomplish what you need…then you don’t care as much about your success as you say.” This is going to be a hard pill for some of us to swallow because it’s true. If you aren’t succeeding, then it’s not someone else’s fault, so stop making excuses!

Are you doing anything to take action on your dreams right now? Why are you just sitting there, watching everyone else make it life and have all of the glory? You were created for greatness and have so much to share with this world. Don’t let it pass you by due to lack of discipline. The universe will send more opportunities your way when you stay focused. Tune in to learn more. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • How we deserve to have everything we dream of and hope for. 
  • Why many of us are just sitting ducks waiting for our big chance at success. 
  • That if you are not willing to settle for a mediocre life, then it’s time to take action! 

 Favorite Quote:

“What are you going to do to make sure it’s your glory that you’re living for?” 

 —Drewbie Wilson

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By Drewbie Wilson 31 Dec, 2021
As entrepreneurs, we understand the kind of focus it takes to see a goal through, but sometimes we hyper-focus and forget to stop and appreciate those who’ve always had our backs. It’s so easy to get lost in something we’re working on, and completely ignore the fact that our kids, spouse, and friends are missing us. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” Drewbie reminds us to celebrate those we love and care about the most because if we don’t, we just might lose them. They are the individuals who have supported us from the beginning with zero expectations in return. Have you taken the time to connect with and show them just how grateful you are for them? It doesn’t have to be big, any small gesture will do, and is better than nothing at all. Only when we learn to celebrate those who’ve always celebrated us, will we find our true success. Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How tunnel vision can become our greatest enemy. Why celebrating others is vital if we want to reach ultimate success. That being able to bring a smile to those we love, makes the journey to becoming our most elite selves really worth it. Favorite Quote:  “To create the kind of success that you want in this life, you have to remember to care about them too.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 30 Dec, 2021
There will be times when life gets wild and we are left unsure of what steps to take next. Maybe you just got a business off the ground, and everything seems to be going great until it’s not. The force of average will begin to test your willingness to succeed by sending you obstacle after obstacle to overcome. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” we hear sound advice shared by Drewbie about what he learned from his last APEX mastermind. He learned from Special Operators from the military that when chaos comes, you must learn to channel it. That literally means taking a step back, prioritizing, and executing. The more effort you put towards making your dreams a reality, the more you will be challenged on whether or not you actually want what it is you say you want. What is your plan of action for when things feel like they're getting out of hand? How determined are you to be a champion? Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How a real champion knows how to handle every roadblock. Why it’s important to take a step back and reevaluate what’s most important. That, “If you want to be a champion, you are going to have to be prepared for when everything goes wild.” Favorite Quote:  “What needs to get done first and what am I going to do to take action on it immediately? That's really the simplest formula you can have to create your championship mindset.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 29 Dec, 2021
Coming up with a goal is easy, but creating a plan and taking action on it can be a hard thing to do for many of us. How many times have you wanted an opportunity to come your way, and then when it did, you missed out on it because you were unprepared? Do you have regret, and would you have done anything differently? On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” Drewbie reminds us that if we want to achieve our goals, then we can’t be afraid of the unknown. We must take that first step because if we wait, the opportunity that we’ve been waiting for will pass us by. The pain of regret can last a lifetime when we’ve failed to show up for the things we wanted the most. Is there an important conversation that needs to be had in order to get the ball rolling? Maybe there is someone you’d like to have a relationship with, but feel scared to ask out? They won’t be around waiting on you forever. Maybe you have a great business idea…make the first call, get started! Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How we have to get out of our comfort zone in order to accomplish our goals. Why regret will weigh us down and will last longer than the discomfort we might experience by taking action. That being afraid of the unknown only brings regret, instead, think about how happy you will be when you’ve taken action on seeing your dreams become a reality. Favorite Quote:  “The pain you feel now of taking that action is nothing compared to the regret you're going to have if you give up.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 28 Dec, 2021
Have you ever noticed the grass growing out of a crack in the sidewalk? It’s crazy to think about what plants must go through to survive. It all starts as a seed that has to bust out of a hard shell and push past the concrete just to reach the sun. It seems as though it would do whatever it takes in order to just grow. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” Drewbie shares that we have to be willing to put pressure on ourselves if we want to grow. Just like the grass on the sidewalk, we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone, never giving up on doing what it takes to become our most elite selves. We all have areas in our lives that we know we could be working harder in. Are you wanting to get in shape or sharpen a skill you’ve been working on? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to put the pressure on and level up. Everything in your life will get better and you will be able to help more people when you do. You have what it takes! Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How pushing ourselves is the only way we will grow beyond where we are now. Why the opportunity of our dreams will never knock on our door until we are willing to get out of our comfort zone. That it’s time to turn the pressure up on our goals and take the actions necessary if we actually want to succeed in life. Favorite Quote:  “The more you spend your life chasing what you don’t have the more you will realize that what you need is right there in front of you.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 27 Dec, 2021
As entrepreneurs, we set the bar high and are constantly chasing some idea of perfection. It might look like buying that million-dollar home, a really expensive car, or even to hold a certain financial standing. We chase after these things thinking that we will be satisfied once we have them. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” we learn that the opposite is true. We will always want more, but what we need is already right in front of us. What we have, the relationships in our lives right now are what matter the most! When we stop chasing the idea of perfection and begin being grateful for what we have, we will find all the success we could ever dream of. Don't be the individual who puts 100% of all of their focus solely on building a legacy, and forget about everyone and everything that means something to you. Being grateful for what you have now, allows the success that you are building to be shared with those you love the most. Take the time to cultivate what you have. Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How we will never be satisfied with our idea of perfection. Why chasing after the goal and forgetting your reasons “Why”, will destroy every relationship that you have. That chasing after greatness can destroy everything we already have, so it’s important to nurture our current relationships and create a better life for them by showing up. Favorite Quote:  “The more you spend your life chasing what you don’t have the more you will realize that what you need is right there in front of you.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 24 Dec, 2021
Every single person on this planet has a story, and we all experience struggle while on this journey. We say that we want to succeed, and yet so many of us still believe that our hardship is unique, and prevents us from that success. The universe will send us challenges just to see how badly we really want something. Even when we have accomplished one goal, for example in the gym, the challenge is to continue showing up to do the hard work it takes in order to keep the level of fitness that we’ve gained. It will seem as though the obstacles are endless and never stop coming our way. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” Drewbie shares a key piece of advice that will shift our game: Have Gratitude! When we choose to wake up thinking about what we are grateful for and are focused on what we already have, our entire life improves. Are you committed to doing whatever it takes no matter what? Or are you weak-minded, allowing any little bit of resistance to take away your dreams? Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How we are always being tested by the universe. Why a mind focused on gratitude allows us to find creative solutions that will generate the level of success we dream of. That being committed to greatness looks like doing whatever it takes to reach your goals. Favorite Quote:  “Are you weak or are you committed?... I believe you are committed and that’s why you are put on this planet to be great.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 22 Dec, 2021
“We are all given this same 24 hours,” Is a quote that Drewbie shares often. Just because someone else seems to be having a better “time” in life, doesn’t mean that they have more time than you do, they just know how to use it in the most profitable way possible. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” we learn that if we aren’t using our time as effectively as possible, then we will always be standing at the end of the line when it comes to success. The super-wealthy know how to use their time. They have an understanding of what should be happening in every hour of their day, and they keep their priorities a priority. If you were to lay out your daily routine, would you be able to see where time is being wasted? Maybe you talk too much with some of your clients and it bleeds over into your family time, or you sleep-in, missing your workout. Sticking to the plan is how we achieve our goals, but are you doing it? Could you be delegating some stuff to others? Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How we can’t get more time once it’s gone. Why it’s important to know what our “non-negotiables” are. That it’s important to understand how we value our time so that we know when to delegate some of the work to others. Favorite Quote: “Really Dial in on utilizing that time effectively, because we all get the same amount of it and what you do with yours is what will create your success.” —Drewbie Wilson
By Drewbie Wilson 21 Dec, 2021
Just as soon as we speak out loud to the universe what it is that we want, a series of trials will come our way. We will be challenged mentally, physically, and spiritually to see how badly we want to have it. We might feel too sore and tired to go to the gym or work towards our goals. Giving excuses is easy, mental fortitude and willpower are not. On this episode of “ Crushing The Day ,” we learn that when the hard times come, it’s to see how willing we are to reach the success we boast of wanting. A mind that isn’t willing to get stronger when push comes to shove, will have a hard time creating the life it dreams of. We will not achieve our goals if we crumble every time we face a new obstacle! Where in your life do you seem to be hitting a wall? How much do you want the life you know is possible? We were all created for so much more and are meant to live a life of greatness. We are the beacons of light for those around us. Are you showing up for it? Tune in to learn more. What You’ll Learn: How a focused mind is a powerful mind. Why the force of average will do everything it can to pull us down and keep us from achieving our goals. That when we choose to show up every day focused on adding value to the world around us, we will succeed. Favorite Quote:  “There are going to be a series of moments in life…designed to test your strength of mind and willingness to do whatever it takes to be great.” —Drewbie Wilson
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